On this week’s leadership call, Michael Dlouhy was talking about vehicle accidents and T-boning and not listening to the sixth sense while driving, and instead of staying with the valuable lesson in what he was saying, I found my thoughts crossing the line into thinking “if only” my son James had done something different that fateful night, we might still have him with us.
I caught myself almost instantaneously. “Stop it! NO going there!” And at that moment, Michael said, “And then your baby turns 12 years old and you wonder where the years went!”
We had a wonderful weekend of celebration as a family. Saturday the whole family gathered at our oldest daughter’s home. The next day, which was Nathaniel’s actual birthday, our youngest daughter treated us to dinner. So of course, Michael’s reminder of my baby turning 12 put me right back into our “perfect weekend” and immediately dispelled any remaining not-so-good feelings I’d been feeling in the moments prior.
It’s not the first time Michael has picked up on strong vibrations from me during a call. How does he DO that?
It’s because he lives in the now.
Mr. Hill says the principle of the sixth sense can be assimilated, understood, and applied only after we have mastered the other twelve principles. And the best way to do that is to do what Michael tells us over and over… Learn to Live in the NOW.
The sixth sense is something I cannot put on or take off at will. But I CAN consciously choose to living in the present moment. It takes practice. But at any moment I can say, “STOP IT!!!!” to the chatter and the rush, and simply cherish the moment… BE where I AM, and do the thing that is immediately before me, with no regard whatever to anything else that needed to be done yesterday or needs to be done an hour from now.
Have you ever been to a doctor who rushes into the examining room, asks you a few brisk questions, then rushes out again? He’s fulfilled his “duty” by spending the prescribed x-number-of-minutes with you, and no more. You are left wondering if he heard a word you said, or how on earth you can trust his advice to you.
Contrast that doctor with the one who comes in, and maybe spends the same amount of time with you, but he makes you feel as if you are his only patient. He’s right there with you… all in… listening with both ears. You know you can trust what he says, because for that brief moment in time, he had shut out all thoughts of the patients he had already seen that day, and the ones still to come.
Living in the NOW means remembering and using what I have learned in previous chapters. If I am not doing that, I need to stop and ask myself, Why not?
Is it because I am still living in the past, bound by past failures, listening to the voices that belong in the past?
Or am I living in fear of what MIGHT happen in the future?
Living in the NOW means seeing with great clarity each new lesson learned, and how to apply it to life as it is TODAY.
We fool ourselves when we assume that just because we have studied a principle, we have internalized it. The truth is, we can be so busy going on to the next chapter that we have no time to put into practice what we learned in the previous one. And without actually doing what we’ve learned, all of our studying is worthless. The real blessing and growth comes from ACTING on the truth, and not just knowing it.
This lesson plan was inspired by Chapter 14 of Think and Grow Rich,
by Napoleon Hill, and was originally posted at 30DayCleanse.info
If you would like to participate in a discussion of several lesson
plans like this one, we would love to have you join with us on the
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© Willena Flewelling
Success in 10 Steps
Phone 780-349-7163